Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania

Bryn Mawr  - pronounced brin-mar . Located west of Philadelphia in Montgomery County along US-30 and borders with Delaware County. Bryn Mawr is found near the center of the Main Line. Bryn Mawr, PA is found in Lower Merion Township. 

The zip code of Bryn Mawr contains three different school districts, though the city of Bryn Mawr is located solely in Lower Merion Township:

Bryn Mawr residents of Lower Merion Township attend schools in the  Lower Merion School District. all residents of the Bryn Mawr CDP are in Lower Merion Township and therefore attend LMSD schools.

Bryn Mawr address residents of Radnor Township attend schools in the Radnor Township School District;.

Bryn Mawr address residents of Haverford Township attend schools in the School District of Haverford Township.